The movie with the fewest spoken words was Son of Saul, a 2015 Hungarian film set in the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II, winner of Grand Prix at Cannes and Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Other dialogue heavy films included comedies like Funny People and Dogma and dramas like JFK and A Few Good Men. On average, there are about 9,000 words in a movie script, which means that Casino packs dialogue from more than seven movies into one (albeit, nearly three hours long) feature. To make sure the results were interpretable and relevant, this analysis is restricted to films with a significant number of IMDb rating votes (13,000). This analysis uses their summary dataset (for each movie: its characters, the number of words they spoke, their age, and gender) paired with data scraped from IMDb to match characters to actors, movies and directors. Last April, Polygraph complied and analyzed 2,000 screenplays to study gender in film dialogue. Which movies and characters have the most dialogue?